Multigenerational travel, that is several generations traveling together, has been one of the fastest-growing segments in the travel market in the past several years. Here at Germany Travel Co. we notice an uptick in inquiries of travelers wanting to go on a multigenerational trip.
Oftentimes, it’s the grandparents, inviting their kids and grandkids on a family trip to commemorate an anniversary or graduation, foregoing more traditional gifts for a chance to spend quality time together and make memories.
Ensuring every member of the traveling party has a good time, however, requires careful consideration and planning. After all, interests and preferences can vary widely. We have asked three travel experts as what to consider for a successful multi-generational trip.

Greg, Founder and Partner of Euro Travel Coach, has not only planned many multigenerational itineraries, he also speaks from personal experience, having traveled with kids and a newborn baby:
“When planning a multigenerational trip, I think it is important to realize that it is OK not to be together all the time. Not every activity needs to include everyone on the trip. Grandparents and grandchildren just are not on the same schedule. Don’t stress out about trying to plan every activity so everybody can participate.
When our kids were young, we took a trip to California with my parents. Most of the trip we were together and did many activities as a group. But in Yosemite and Kings Canyon National Parks there were hikes we wanted to do that my parents simply could not do. We would often drive somewhere in the mornings with my parents and then do a nice hike in the afternoon. And I think my parents enjoyed some time away from the youngsters.
More recently we took a trip to New Zealand with our daughter, her husband, and our four-month-old grandson. It was an amazing trip and our grandson is still young enough that we dragged him along almost everywhere. However, there was a kayak trip we all wanted to do that our grandson could not participate in. So, our daughter and son-in-law did it one day while we stayed with our grandson on the next day we switched. Worked great!
We also swapped baby duty a few nights so each pair got a couple nice quiet dinners alone. The vast majority of the time we were together, including wine tastings! However, the times we had to ourselves were greatly appreciated. But there is only so long we can stay away from our grandson!”
Stefanie Lambert from Eurotravels By Design, believes that the time pre-trip can be just as valuable as the time you spend on the trip:
“There are a couple of fabulous tips for multi-generational travel that actually occur before you even arrive at your destination. It has to do with the prep and planning process. Before setting off on your adventure, take the time to get to know the country you will be traveling to. For example, read books to your children about the country, cook a meal together with traditional foods, watch a movie filmed in the city you will be exploring or make a traditional craft. This will help everyone be invested in your destination. When you arrive, everyone will be excited to eat the food you made at home or see the places that were in the movie you watched.”

Another tip in the planning process is to make sure you include something for everyone. If you have someone who loves the beach, and others that love museums, plan to include both activities. You could even have everyone get involved by choosing their activity beforehand. To get everyone even more engaged, each person could learn about their activity or site and give some information on it while you are there, sort of like a mini personalized history lesson or tour guide. It is so fun to have a lesson from your 7-year-old on the colosseum in front of the colosseum for example.

Adeline Kuroki, who plans bespoke travel to Japan, recommends two things that make trips easier for families traveling with young kids:
“For trips including young kids, I like planning more adult-centric sightseeing and activities in the afternoon while the little ones nap. Young babies and toddlers who will nap easily in a stroller or baby carrier can come along to museums and historical sites. For kiddos who don’t nap well on the go, booking a larger vacation rental or larger suite is a great option so that they can get some rest and the rest of the family doesn’t need to tiptoe around. I love having a different family member stay with the kiddos during nap time each day and letting the rest of the party explore the city on their own at a faster pace!
I think for multi-generational trips, a key part of not becoming overwhelmed is to plan a more relaxed pace that you might otherwise be inclined to do. During a morning of sightseeing, for example, it is a great idea to build in some downtime that can be enjoyed by everyone in the family. Cafes overlooking plazas or playgrounds are always a good bet!”
Multigenerational travel offers a unique opportunity to strengthen family bonds while exploring new destinations. By embracing flexibility and incorporating interests from all generations, your trip can cater to everyone’s preferences and create lasting memories. Remember, the key to a successful family adventure lies in thoughtful planning and in shared experiences that everyone can enjoy.